Case Studies in Progress

Work is in progress for the following case studies under case study Project
NoCase Study ProjectContributor NameInstitute/ UniversityYear
25Simulation of a Fluidic Oscillator using OpenFOAMVishal RaikaChandigarh University 2024
24Using Immersed Boundary Method to Simulate Particle Motion in a Micro ChannelBaris MenemenliogluIzmir Institute of Technology2023
23Simulation of the shot sleeve wave dynamics in high pressure die castingMichael SukhamNational Institute of Technology, Nagaland2023
22Taylor-Couette flow between two concentric cylindersArvind ParakaliVisvesvaraya Technological University2023
21Conjugate Heat Transfer Analysis in a 3D printer nozzleKevin Mathew ThomasNational Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli2021
20Numerical simulation of the incompressible turbulent Von-Karman swirling flow between two counter-rotating disks.Raj Jayeshkumar GandhiÉcole Centrale de Lyon, France2021
19Modelling conventional swing of a cricket ball using openFoamAkshay ChoudharyIndian Institute of Technology Bombay2021
18MODELLING OF FLOW BOILING OF LIQUID FLOWING THROUGH A PIPES S Jatin PrasathIndian Institute of Technology, Bombay2021
17Cfd analysis of Rotating fanNagalla Satya AbhishtGandhi institute of technology and management 2021
15Modeling Low-Reynolds Number Physics around a NACA0012 Airfoil using Transition Models in OpenFOAMSubham Kant DasIIT Jodhpur2020
14CFD Simulation of Conical Draft TubeSiva. AAnna University2020
13CFD Study on 2D Rear wing/Spoiler on passenger vehicleV. M. VinitusAnna University2020
12CFD Analysis of UAV Flying WingJ.nixon DanielAnna University2020
11A CFD Study on 2D Ramjet jet intake Using OpenFoamM.mohamed AffanAnna University2020
10Analysis of the performance of different airfoils in ground effectJaiskanda MPES UNIVERSITY2020
9Numerical simulation of tank leak with sludge Interference in openFOAMNandha Kumar. RAnna University2020
8Comparison of LES and RANS Turbulence Models for Flow in a Scramjet Combustor without Fuel InjectionMridu Sai Charan A SPES University2020
7Window selection for better natural ventilationBadave Pradeep ShekharAnna univesity2020
6Numerical Analysis of a symmetric airfoil pitching at low frequencies.Rohan SrikanthVTU2020
5Flow over oscillating square cylinderPrashant KumarIIT Bombay2019
4Study of flow over a circular and a square cylindrical body in laminar regionNaveen MarkamIIT Bombay2019
3Aerodynamic study on NACA0012 aerofoil based on power law of viscosityGanesh Kumar KNational Engineering College, Anna University2019
2Aerodynamic study on symmetrical airfoil for different chord lengthDhanabharathi. MAnna University2019
1Design and analysis of an Aerodynamic package for a FSAE style race-carDhanesh Rajkumar PamnaniMumbai University2019