List of annual publications of CFD OpenFOAM team members and internship/fellowship participants in journals/conference proceedings.
S.No | Title of paper | Conference/Journal | Authors | DOI/Paper ID |
1 |
Numerical study on various techniques of obtaining negative pressure room using OpenFOAM |
Proc. 8th International and 47th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP), December 09-11, 2020, IIT Guwahati, Guwahati, India |
Divyesh Variya, and Dr Janani Srree Murallidharan |
Paper ID (first draft): FMFP2020-168 |
2 |
Numerical Analysis of Plasma Extraction in a Backward facing Step Microchannel using OpenFOAM |
Proc. 8th International and 47th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP), December 09-11, 2020, IIT Guwahati, Guwahati, India |
Ashley Melvin, and Dr Janani Srree Murallidharan |
Paper ID (first draft): FMFP2020-152 |
3 |
Impact of Numerical Settings on Simulation Performance of the Gamma-Re-Theta Model for 2D and 3D Bluff Body Transitional Flow Cases using OpenFOAM |
Proceedings of the 48th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP) December 27-29, 2021, BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus, RJ, India |
Sumedh Soman, Ashley Melvin, Divyesh Variya, and Janani Srree Murallidharan |
Paper ID (first draft): FMFP2021-09-106 |
4 |
A Comparison Study of Drag correlations for a Dispersed Multiphase flow in a Fluidized bed |
Proceedings of the 48th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP) December 27-29, 2021, BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus, RJ, India |
Siva Karthikeya M, Ashley Melvin, Divyesh Variya, and Janani Srree Murallidharan |
Paper ID (first draft): FMFP2021-13-099 |
5 |
Large Eddy Simulation of a confined planar jet opening in a rectangular channel |
Proceedings of the 48th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP) December 27-29, 2021, BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus, RJ, India |
Binayak Lohani, Ashley Melvin, and Dr. Manaswita Bose |
Paper ID (first draft): FMFP2021-04-175 |
6 | Numerical Simulation of High–Speed Compressible Flow over Re-entry Vehicles using the OpenFOAM | Symposium on Applied Aerodynamics and Design of Aerospace Vehicle (SAROD 2024) Month xx-xx, 2024, Thiruvananthapuram, India |
Ishar Singh Saini, Biraj Khadka, Tushar Chourushi |
SAROD-2024-Paper ID 57 |