Textbook Companion Procedure
The CFD Textbook Companion project is managed by the FOSSEE project, IIT Bombay. Textbook Companion internship is a programme for college students who are willing to undertake an internship with FOSSEE, IIT Bombay. The project will require a teacher as a mentor. The mentor must have taught the specific subject for at least one year. The mentor will guide the student through the project and will be responsible for the student/intern's submissions.
The procedure is as follows:
You are required to learn OpenFOAM. Resources are provided at OpenFOAM Resources. Learning OpenFOAM is easy and if someone listens to and practices the Spoken Tutorials on OpenFOAM, it can be learned in 7-8 days. For use of any software package other than OpenFOAM, contact us at contact-cfd (at) fossee(dot)in
You could propose three books in the order of your preference, using the proposal form available here. You have to create a new account and log in to access the proposal form. You must ensure that the books you are proposing have not been been completed or undertaken under this project. Click on Completed Books and Books in Progress to see the respective lists.
Please make sure that the book proposed by you has at least 20 examples. If it is found that the number of examples is less, the internship might be canceled during the later stages. Along with the book proposal, you are required to send a typical chapter's case file from one of the three proposed books to cfd-tbc (at) fossee (dot) in in a .zip or .tgz file. We will not contact you to send the cases. It is suggested that you propose the book as early as possible since your preferred book may be assigned to someone else.
It has been found that a few students are putting their friends' name as mentor. In order to prevent this, the mentor details will be verified.
- Please send us either of the following as proof for mentor ID verification:
- Link to the official faculty web-page (to be sent to cfd-tbc (at) fossee (dot) in)
- Copy of letter from head of the department on institute/college letterhead stating that particular person is staff member of the mentioned department. The student should send the scanned copy of the letter before the book proposal is approved. The hard-copy of the letter should be sent along with the internship forms.
- Please note that the book proposal will not be approved if required proof of identification is not submitted.
We will try to allot one of the three proposed books to you. You will be intimated about the approval or rejection of your proposal via e-mail within 3 days. Your name along with the proposed textbook will appear under Books in Progress.
After the final allotment, you will start solving only the solved examples of the entire book. You are required to upload the solved cases on the interface. Also, send the code to your mentor.
Note: Lack of regularity on your part may force us to cancel your internship and the book will be assigned to another intern. Simultaneously, you should fill the IITB registration form and post it to us. All the required forms are available at Required Internship Forms
The time-frame for completion of solved examples will be decided together by you, your mentor and us.
Review of the book - The review of the book will typically take approximately 20 working days to finish. If any example is found to be not producing the desired result during review process, the student will have to recheck and resubmit all the examples. Each time you submit the examples, it will be queued up with other review requests and will result in subsequent delays and revision of your honorarium.
Candidates who successfully finish the textbook companion as per the specified procedure will be awarded an internship e-certificate: "Certified that the work completed is equivalent to six weeks of training under the supervision of the concerned faculty of IIT Bombay".
You will be awarded an honorarium of ₹ 10,000 and your mentor ₹ 5,000 for completing this work. For details please click here.
For any further queries or clarifications, please contact us at the following email address:
cfd-tbc (at) fossee (dot) in.