Mr. Nikhil Bhamare

Mr. Nikhil Bhamare
Founder of the Tech Startup CFD Baba
Mr. Bhamare has a Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering and Masters in Thermal Engineering. He was introduced to CFD during his Masters.
He had to spend a lot of time gathering the information that is spread across various sources to perform successful CFD analyses. He now wishes to help beginners in starting their CFD journey smoothly.
He has invested more than 4000 hours working with OpenFOAM and more than 6000 hours working with Ansys Fluent in the CFD industry.
He has solved various academic and industrial problems from all over the globe related to internal flows / external aerodynamics, heat transfer, porous medium, species transport and multiphase flows. I have also trained more than 4000 students worldwide with CFD courses related to OpenFOAM and Ansys Fluent.
He wishes to spread as much CFD application knowledge as possible, to help new CFD enthusiasts with starting their career.
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